Independent Writers of Chicago
It’s coming up fast! That time of year when we’re scouting for members who would like to serve IWOC by serving on the Board of Directors. However this year, it’s a bit different. Without any arm-twisting, nine out of our ten current Board Members have opted to remain on the Board for the 2021-22 term. I am truly grateful, as they each are important contributors to the well-being of our organization. Plus they’re just great people to be around. Yet that still leaves us with one seat open. One seat! ready to welcome anyone who’s eager to help us keep IWOC strong, relevant and vibrant now and into the future. And have a good time in the process.
Are you willing to be The One to run? Or know someone who might be? Nominate them -- or even better, nominate yourself!
As you mull it over, consider the following qualifications and benefits:
Since 1981, IWOC has been playing a unique and vital role devoted to helping independent writers succeed. This is your opportunity to actively help morph IWOC into your vision of how it can best serves its members. Come join the Board. In doing so, I can almost guarantee one more benefit: You’ll find yourself growing in positive, unexpected ways. To my surprise, I know I did.
Note: Please send your nominations to the Nominating Committee – either George Becht, Jeff Steele or myself -- by Friday, August 13. Questions? Contact any one of us.
-- Laura Stigler
Copyright 2011–2024, Independent Writers of Chicago 332 S. Michigan Avenue, #121–W686 Chicago, IL 60604-4434