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Monthly Meeting | How to Be Your Own Best Editor

  • 11 Feb 2025
  • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Zoom


  • Non-members will receive Zoom registration link when payment is confirmed.

    Spaces are limited, so first come, first serve.

Just starting out in a writing career? Or maybe you’re a seasoned pro. Either way, guess what. We’re not perfect. Sometimes we’re so blinded by the eloquence of our own words, we can overlook the crimes and misdemeanors we may be committing:

Sentences that run on and on and on and on. Overusing commas, or, for example, too many exclamation points!!! Resorting to tired cliches at the end of the day. And let's not even get inot typos! Such inadvertent errors in our writing can make us look foolish at best. At worst, they can turn off the reader entirely. In business writing, this could mean turning off a potential client. Deadly.

The whole opening right there? Probably could have used more editing.

Coming to the rescue are Melissa Harris and Jenn Bane, authors of Everybody Needs an Editor: The Essential Guide to Clear and Effective Writing, a witty, game-changing manual on how to avoid the landmines that can lurk in whatever it is we’re writing, be it a lengthy magazine article, website, social media post -- even a subject line of an email. Armed with decades of journalism and marketing expertise, the authors will demonstrate their WTFF technique (Writing, Topping, Formatting, Fixing). You'll learn how to be merciless in editing your own writing – while enjoying the process. 

Writing well is all about sharp, attention-grabbing communication that moves the reader -- emotionally, intellectually, or into action. The salient tips to be offered in this meeting will guide us all to that end.

Be there!


IWOC Members

Admission is free for IWOC members. [NOTE TO MEMBERS: Please do not register on this event page. You will automatically be sent the Zoom registration link.]


Admission for non-members is $10 (USD). To pay, simply click the Register button on this page. Upon confirmation of payment, you will soon receive the Zoom registration link. [NOTE: Registration closes at 5:30 p.m. CDT on the date of the meeting.]

Meeting Membership Sign-up Discount

Non-members are eligible for a 10% discount on their first year of IWOC membership with a coupon code available at the meeting!


*photo by Markus Winkler

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